Membership Packages

Monthly Payments of


One Time Payment of


One Time Payment of


Optimize Credit

What's included:

Metro 2 & Consumer Law

Free Credit Monitoring

Free Identity Monitoring

We Prepare & Mail Letters

Updates every 30-45 Days

Collections, Charge-offs & Late Payments

Bankruptcies, Evictions & Foreclosures

Exclusive community access

Customer support

Virtual business credit

What's included:

Full System Access

Build Business Scores

Obtain Vendor Credit

Access Funding Programs

Increase Customer Traffic

Maximize Your Earnings

Step-By-Step Virtual Coaching

Exclusive Community access

Live business credit

What's included:

All Virtual Coach Items

Scheduled Coach Sessions

Done With & For You

Maximize Your Results

Full One Year Mentoring

Live Hands On Coaching

Exclusive community access

Optimize Personal Credit

$147 monthly payments

What's included:

Metro 2 & Consumer Law

Free Credit Monitoring

Free Identity Monitoring

We Prepare & Mail Letters

Updates every 30-45 Days

Collections, Charge-offs & Late Payments

Bankruptcies, Evictions & Foreclosures

Exclusive community access

Customer support

Virtual business credit

$497 one time payment

What's included:

Full System Access

Build Business Scores

Obtain Vendor Credit

Access Funding Programs

Increase Customer Traffic

Maximize Your Earnings

Step-By-Step Virtual Coaching

Exclusive Community access

Live business credit

$1,497 one time payment

What's included:

All Virtual Coach Items

Scheduled Coach Sessions

Done With & For You

Maximize Your Results

Full One Year Mentoring

Live Hands On Coaching

Exclusive community access

We exist to empower entrepreneurs with the knowledge and financial tools they need to achieve their dreams.

Contact Info


400 W Capitol Ave STE 1700 Little Rock, AR 72201


Infinite Freedom Wealth Network 2023